From Newsgroup: alt.os.linux.ubuntu
[1] Lowercase mechanic has already amply and irrefutably proven, both
here and elsewhere, that any and all ignorance he displays is
fully feigned and opportunistically applied with great care
depending on the circumstances in order to further his
disinformation agenda.
[...] There are things you just know, without that there is any
empirical evidence for it [2]. In mathematics, such a situation
is called an axiom. [...] There is no empirical evidence that
lowercase mechanic would be operating here on somebody's payroll,
but there simply is no other explanation for his behavior here
than that he would be.
He's been here for about, what, five years now? And he's never
done anything other than what he's still doing today. [...]
Or as they say...
"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a
duck, then it sure isn't an elephant."
Or something like that.
= Aragorn = - registrant #223157
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