A total of 104 people were identified (senders and recipients).
============================================================================= Sent / Received =============================================================================
============================================================================= What Are We Talking About? =============================================================================
Rank Subject Msgs Bytes
1. Computer Kits 157 212543
2. Am I the only one dum 107 77866
3. Old Geek Thoughts... 98 98216
4. Am I the only one dumpster diving ? 96 57063
5. Price Piece in your c 69 68589
6. BBSing on CP/M 60 47709
7. barbed wire telephony 59 41256
8. Price Piece in your collection. 43 32345
9. Novell NetWare :) 41 38746
10. Recent finds? 24 16912
FSX_RETRO - Retro Computing/Tech Chat 24 10297
12. Bake your graphics card? 23 24386
13. C-128 Weekend! 22 30020
Modem mod 22 7222
15. Vintage Computer Fair 20 13701