A total of 32 people were identified (senders and recipients).
============================================================================= Sent / Received =============================================================================
Rank Name Rcvd Sent Ratio
1. All 16 0
2. Avon 15 19 78%
3. N1uro 8 9 88%
4. gaz 7 7 100%
5. The Godfather 6 5 120%
Jeff 6 9 66%
7. Black Panther 4 3 133%
8. InfectedBootSector 3 2 150%
nristen 3 3 100%
10. apam 2 1 200%
JaXson 2 1 200%
fang-castro 2 2 100%
MATT MUNSON 2 2 100%
Mike Dippel 2 2 100%
John Dovey 2 2 100%
============================================================================= What Are We Talking About? =============================================================================
Rank Subject Msgs Bytes
1. Summer Vegetables 15 3747
2. Roses 13 8885
3. Heirloom Seed? 11 8899
4. Gazanias 9 5813
5. moisture sensor 6 8648
6. Planning Gardens 4 3751
Well .. harvest time 4 3461
OpenXP is available for Linux too 4 1625
Music to mow your lawn 4 1022
10. Introduction 3 10868
Our weather zone has been a bit cloudy this season 3 3131
12. Jerry Baker 2 1296
Why have a front lawn when you can garden 2 689
Mowing 101 2 606
Test 2 400