I remember doing something similar when I first configured my system: I had forgotten to add the file group to my security descriptors.
If I wanted users to access a specific base within a specific group, I needed to add the user security level (e.g. s#) and a file group specifier
(e.g. z#). So if I wanted standard users to access a file base which was associated with group 4, then 's10z4' is the descriptor I needed to use. The file base should then be listed under group 4 only.
Not sure if this is applicable, but this was the mistake I was making.
TALIADON | 2:250/6 | 21:3/138 |
TALIADON-BBS@MAIL.COM | o-----------o-----------o------------o-------------------------o
| "Error is a great teacher, and humility its hardest lesson." | o--------------------------------------------------------------o
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Windows/32)
* Origin: TALIADON BBS (21:3/138)