Hi All,
Has anyone else experienced issues whilst attempting to implement the ANSI Gallery on A46; whilst it appears to locate and load the images without
issue, some of the images exhibit colour/block artefacts when displayed
and/or scrolled?
As the images appear to render correctly when displayed via the "|DF" command, I assume it's probably an issue with the gallery module itself.
Incidentally, does anyone know how I may obtain the A47 alpha of Mystic?
Not wishing to go off on a tangent here, but I visited "The Bottomless Abyss" recently, and it totally blew my socks off: content aside, the "live"
circuitry effect is astonishingly good.
Best Regards
|01°|09²²²²² |01³|09 Lee Westlake |01(aka TALIADON)
°|09²|01°|09²|01°|09² |01³|09 TALIADON BBS |01(taliadon.ddns.net)
°|09²|01 ³ E-Mail:
°|09²²²|01 ³ fsxNet: 21:3/138 ù FidoNet: 2:250/6
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Windows/32)
* Origin: TALIADON BBS (21:3/138)