• quickee dumb ?...

    From paulie420@21:2/150 to All on Tuesday, November 24, 2020 19:29:10
    Ok so... I hadn't set my security levels .toml file but I did ./toolbelt sec_level sysop 255 my sysOp account...

    Anyway, today I went thru and did the sec_level.toml file... left the first one at 10, made a 'Validated User' at 20, and made a 'sysOp' at 255... with 1440 minutes per day.

    Anyway, when I originally changed the sec_level to 255, toolbelt must not have changed the daily time limit because nothing was set in my sec_level.toml files...

    Anyway, after I updated the .toml file today, and reran './toolbelt sec_level sysop 255' the time limit wasn't updated. I even tried to drop the sysop to level 20, and then back up to 255 thinking that would work. It didn't...

    SOO; is there a way to change the time limit? Will TALISMAN update the sysop account with the '1440' time limit come tomorrow? Did I mess some part of that .toml up? Didn't think the #s had to be in quotes... Is this just something that TALISMAN don't have the ability to change yet until a new day what the software checks?

    Am I missing something - or did I mess up by changing the sysop to 255 without there yet being a sec_level set? anyway, its funny because my sysOp account cant login to TALISMAN anymore today. LOL. locled out of my on bbs. :P

    maybe, in toolbelt, we need a command to change ALL the different user flag and... stuff. :P

    Thanks, sorry about the sporadic message. :P

    PS - *all* of the menus I added have that M, apam... LOL. Something with the animation or.... I'm sure we'll figure it out, but they all came out that same way. I *DID* put a final SPACE on that new line right under the menus, so the cursor would be in the right spot... and thats right where the "m" lives for the moment. :P

    Cheers, Talismen...


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2020/10/23 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbs>>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)
  • From apam@21:1/126.1 to paulie420 on Wednesday, November 25, 2020 16:11:20
    Toolbelt doesn't reset your time left, just changes your security level.
    You will be given the correct time left when the day ticks over and your
    time left is reset.


    --- Talisman v0.6-dev (Linux/armv7l)
    * Origin: HappyLand v2.0 - telnet://happyland.zapto.org:11892/ (21:1/126.1)
  • From paulie420@21:2/150 to apam on Wednesday, November 25, 2020 08:12:36
    Toolbelt doesn't reset your time left, just changes your security level. You will be given the correct time left when the day ticks over and your time left is reset.

    Got it. Sure enough, I had 1440 this morning... I guess the point is that when its setup normally, the system will just work - it was only an issue because I hadn't setup any sec_level for the 255 that I set sysOp to.

    Got it, all good. :P Gonna dive in and edit ALL the .toml today.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2020/10/23 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbs>>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)