Hi apam
Maybe. I don't know. The thing is, my happyland is running postie
it's continued to work, and it's doing tic files as well.
I'm wondering if it's a windows thing? Tic works here and so does
maybe it is a window thing, as in my windows postie runs, but dosen't
process say there are 6 or more mail packet, run postie toss, log will
have 1 line says it worked, but no messages in fsxnet area and the echo
mail pkts are not deleted, have check setting look fine but I might have changed samething but don't now what as things look fine.
I have now changed to raspberry pi raspberry os 32 seems to be work
fine at pressent.
Ian S 6th Choice Core Talisman BBS Nz.
--- Talisman v0.8-dev (Linux/armv7l)
* Origin: 6th Choice Core (21:1/152.2)