Thanks Mike, I appear to have received it :)
I have sent a reply in order to verify my outgoing config, and would
appreciate a heads-up as to whether you've receive it or not.
Best Regards
|01°|09²²²²² |01³|09 Lee Westlake |01(aka TALIADON)
°|09²|01°|09²|01°|09² |01³|09 TALIADON BBS |01(
°|09²|01 ³ E-Mail:
°|09²²²|01 ³ fsxNet: 21:3/138 ù FidoNet: 2:250/6
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Windows/32)
* Origin: TALIADON BBS (21:3/138)