plt wrote to All <=-
DR.What is a full of shit
Ahhh... More Leftie "discussion".
If they can't win the argument, they drop to name calling.
and continues to challenge the CDC
recommendations, ignore the fact that the virus is still spreading,
fail to undestand why the CDC recommendations should be followed to
help stop spread the virus.
The only thing still spreading is the false Narrative.
The fact remains that DR. What is sto
retarded to understand wha is posting, failed to get his proper
educations because maybe his mother smacked up side the head to many
times with a frying pan that it cause to my brain damage.
*Laugh* Leftie name calling has reached a new high!
I must be so much of a threat that he has to pull out all the stops to "cancel" me.
I wonder how long it will be before I can invoke Godwin's Law.
He post saids more shit then what comes out of ass, lacks the proper intelligence and basic understandin of life. Assholes like this that
do not care about other people but only him self.
And not only name calling, but an attempt at shaming too.
It might even be effective to others if his spelling and grammar weren't so bad.
I invite you all to look up the term "useful idiot" and the history behind it. It will shed light on people like plt, Al, Jeff, Lee, Dale, etc.
... Fools and their money become popular quickly.
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